Uses of Class

Packages that use Dices
  • Uses of Dices in io.github.mathieusoysal

    Methods in io.github.mathieusoysal with parameters of type Dices
    Modifier and Type
    static int
    Yatzy.calculateScore(YatzyMod mod, Dices dices)
    Calculate the score for the given category YatzyMod based on the given set of dice Dices.
    static int
    Yatzy.chance(Dices dices)
    Calculate the score for the "Chance" category based on the given set of dice.
    static int
    Yatzy.fives(Dices dices)
    Calculate the score for the "Fives" category based on the given set of dice.
    static int
    Yatzy.fourOfAKind(Dices dices)
    Calculate the score for the "Four of a Kind" category based on the given set of dice.
    static int
    Yatzy.fours(Dices dices)
    Calculate the score for the "Fours" category based on the given set of dice.
    static int
    Yatzy.fullHouse(Dices dices)
    Calculate the score for the "Full House" category based on the given set of dice.
    static int
    Yatzy.largeStraight(Dices dices)
    Calculate the score for the "Large Straight" category based on the given set of dice.
    static int
    Yatzy.ones(Dices dices)
    Calculate the score for the "Ones" category based on the given set of dice.
    static int
    Yatzy.pair(Dices dices)
    Calculate the score for the "Pair" category based on the given set of dice.
    static int
    Yatzy.sixes(Dices dices)
    Calculate the score for the "Sixes" category based on the given set of dice.
    static int
    Yatzy.smallStraight(Dices dices)
    Calculate the score for the "Small Straight" category based on the given set of dice.
    static int
    Yatzy.threeOfAKind(Dices dices)
    Calculate the score for the "Three of a Kind" category based on the given set of dice.
    static int
    Yatzy.threes(Dices dices)
    Calculate the score for the "Threes" category based on the given set of dice.
    static int
    Yatzy.twoPairs(Dices dices)
    Calculate the score for the "Two Pairs" category based on the given set of dice.
    static int
    Yatzy.twos(Dices dices)
    Calculate the score for the "Twos" category based on the given set of dice.
    static int
    Yatzy.yatzy(Dices dices)
    Calculate the score for the "Yatzy" category based on the given set of dice.
  • Uses of Dices in io.github.mathieusoysal.yatzy_mod

    Methods in io.github.mathieusoysal.yatzy_mod with parameters of type Dices
    Modifier and Type
    YatzyMod.calculateScore(Dices dices)
    Calculate the score for a given set of dice based on the category represented by this enum value.